Saturday, February 12, 2011

Monthly Recollection (February 12, 2011)
This month’s recollection was preached by Rev. Fr. Thomas Philip, better known as Fr. Tommy of Bhopal Archdiocese. It will be appropriate to remind, it is the same Fr. Tommy who, when rector of the minor seminary, was accused and jailed when a brother committed suicide in the seminary. Father shared the experiences of his ordeal and also how he experienced God’s protection and love during those times of crisis.
The recollection began with an introductory talk on the previous evening. The topic was ‘Giving.’ In this, he said few things about what, how, when, whom etc. to give. Answering these questions he gave examples not only from history and Bible but also from the real life incidences. It is not necessary that we give money always, we can give anything, may be any help, or even it may be a simple smile. We must give till it hurts, and when we give, it should not be proclaimed. Ending his reflection, he suggested us to read the story of Joseph (Genesis 35-47), for the next day’s reflection. This talk was in the auditorium, and after the talk we moved to the chapel and had adoration till 11 p.m.
In the next day’s talk, he took the theme of crisis management. As priests and religious leaders, there will be several occasions where we may be faced with the times of crises. He gave some guidelines form crisis management theory and also from the Bible. Joseph, even as a child faced many difficulties in life – his mother died, his brothers hated him, gave him as a slave, Potipher’s wife accused him, he was put in jail. In all these situations he learnt the art of crisis management. Finally he reached to such a position that whole Egypt came to him for food, and even his own brothers.
During all these reflections, he gave examples from his own life, particularly the memorable experiences of his jail term. As a whole one could say that this recollection was quite fruitful and we were amply inspired and strengthened in our faith.

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