Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December 05, 2011

Birthday of Fr. Rector 
(To View more photos related with this event, please click HERE)

5th December has been a great day in the KPRT family for past few years and a special day for almost 70 years for our beloved Fr. Clarence Scrambical, SVD. It is not only a great day for Khrist Premalaya to thank God for very precious gift in the form of Rev. Fr. Rector, but also an occasion to express our love and gratitude to father for what he has been doing for us and for what he has been to us.
          The day began with a special liturgical thanksgiving. We took father rector in procession to the chapel along with Frs. Jesuraj, Johny, Rayan, Davis, Theodore, Pius and Henry Angel. The introduction to the Mass was given by Bro. Edward Francis, which explained about the family and past life of Fr. Rector. The Holy Eucharist was presided over by Rector himself. In his sermon he said that it is the Holy spirit that has been playing a vital role in his life. He had never been sick from the very childhood, and for which he was thankful to God. Somehow last year when he went for executive check up, he discovered that he needed to undergo some treatment for a certain sickness which was in its initial stage. Fr. said that it was the Holy Spirit that inspired him and the doctor to advise him that particular test. God wanted to heal him before he  becomes really sick. God has done lots of wonders in his life for which he is very much grateful. He also thanked the members of the staff for their love and support and encouragement to do the will of God.
After the Holy Eucharist we had sumptuous breakfast, which was followed by daily classes. The spirit of the celebration was also seen in the delicious lunch. Another special of the day was the intra-community basket ball match. It was enthusiastic and very encouraging to see the match. The day was marked with a short felicitation programme in the evening. The programme was arranged in the refectory. Brothers presented various items such as group songs, solo songs, speeches, dance, comedy skit etc. At the end of the programme, Fr. Rector thanked everyone for making the day a very special one. We had sumptuous dinner and thanked God for the day.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 2011

 Events of the Month

December 5          Rector's Birthday Celebration
December 10        Monthly Recollection
December 16        Cultural Program for the Villagers and Hostelers
December 17        Seminary Day Celebrations
December 23        Workers' Day for the working staff
December 25        Khrist Jayanti Celebrations
December 31        Closing of the year 2011

                                        - the G.P. Bro. T. Jayababu, HGN

Monday, November 28, 2011

Report of 2011 NITS Confrerence at Kolkota

         Like every year, this year also three of the students from our theologate represented the seminary in the students’ ecumenical movement namely North Indian Theology Students’ Conference, popularly known as NITS Conference. This year, being the golden jubilee year of its beginning, it was apt that one of the pioneer colleges hosts it and Bishop’s College in Kolkata grabbed the opportunity to host this year’s conference. Here it will be appropriate to remind that Bishop’s college is an Anglican college for the theology seminarians and one of the three non-catholic Christian colleges that took initiative to start this venture in early fifties.
               Sr., Deepa, Bros. Johnson and Ajil were selected to go for the conference to be held in Kolkata from 07th October 2011 to 11th October 2011. We set out from the seminary on the evening of 4th October and after spending a night in the philosophate, we took a train to Kolkata on 5th morning and reached the destination in the afternoon of 6th October. Two brothers from Morning Star Theological College had come to receive us at the station. Since we reached before time, our dean Rev. Fr. Jesuraj had arranged with the help of Rev. Fr. John Romus, the dean of the Morning Star college, a place to stay till we actually join the conference. We were taken care well in the seminary and spent there almost 24 hours. We joined the participants from the Morning Star to the venue of the Conference, namely Bishop’s College.
            Sr. Deepa was asked to stay in the college campus itself and we were taken to the hostel of the historical school, La’ Martinere for boys. The conference was inaugurated by retired bishop Rt. Rev. D.C. Gaurai. Among other prominent guests were Rev. Dr. Sunil M. Caleb, the principal of Bishop’s College, Rev. Dr. John Romus, the dean of Morning Star College and few other professors including the staff guides from different seminaries and colleges. Altogether there were sixteen participating colleges with 56 delegates. The day ended with forming various committees for the conference. Sr. Deepa chose to be in the Fact Finding committee, Bro. Ajil took up the Cultural committee and Bro. Johnson chose to be in the moderating committee.
                In the coming four days, there used to be morning and evening worships by different colleges. After the breakfast and a short break there was to be paper presentation by different colleges on different topics. After the presentations we were divided into small groups of 6 -7 each with a staff guide. We were given certain questions related to the presented topic to discuss and then present to the whole conference body. Bro. Johnson moderated the presentation by Ruhalaya Major Seminary Ujjain on the topic “Theological response of the Church towards the issues of Justice and peace.”  We also responded to a paper by Dharma Jyoti Vidyapeeth, Faridabad on the topic “Church towards the emancipation of the women in the third millennium.” In the afternoons we had group games and in the evenings cultural programs followed by evening worship. The worships were very creative.
               On the third day of the conference, i.e. 9th of October we were taken for touring of Kolkata. We visited the historical cathedral of St. Paul, Victoria Memorial Hall and the Science City. Some of us felt bad that we were not taken to the tomb of Blessed Mother Teresa, however next day many of us visited the tomb on our own and even participated in the holy Eucharist. We met Sr. Nirmala, the former general superior of the Missionaries of charity, we also saw mother Teresa’s room and many of her belongings still kept intact.
                  On 10th of October in the evening we had the cultural program where participants form different cultures presented their cultural dances and songs, including skits and mimes. From our college Bro. Ajil presented two dances and also did the announcements for the items of the program. We also had general evaluation on the same day. We elected the new president for the next conference and new secretary. Mr. Precious Star from Serampore College and Miss Makroniyu Thele from Baptist Theological College, Nagaland, were elected as president and secretary for the 51st NITS conference to be held in Baptist College Nagaland in 2012.
               On 11th, that is, the last day we had the closing ceremony of the conference. We were given a memento each to remember the jubilee year. At the end the president and secretary thanked each and every participant for their whole hearted co-operation. We started back from Kolkata after lunch and Reached back in KPRT on 13th of October in the afternoon.  We thank Fr. Rector, Fr. Dean and other members of staff who thought us worthy to represent our college to such a precious conference. We would recommend that all of us should be given chance in one or the other way to participate in such events.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


       A seminar was organized in K.P.R.T Kalabhavan on Media Education for five days. Rev. Fr Clarance Srambickal was the chief resource person. He explained the new possibilities of Media in the modern age, the importance of media education, communication techniques through different sessions. There were profitable group discussions, film analysis, sharing sessions which made the seminar lively, creative and a fruitful one. We were also given to prepare a newspaper and present it to the community. It was wonderful seminar.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Event of the Month

Happy B’day to Fr. Jesu and Theo

           September 14 and 15 were two memorable days for KPT family, though September 15 was more memorable than 14 but both equally important. September 14 was the birthday of the spiritual father of the Khrist Premalaya family whereas September 15 was the birthday of The Dean of the institution namely Rev. Fr. Theodore Toppo, SJ and Rev. Fr. Jesuraj Rayappan, SVD respectively. Both the days were equally important for us. Since there were two birthdays so close to each other, so we decided to combine the celebration on one day and that was September 15.
          Since it was working so the day began at 5:30 as usual, though in a special way. We all gathered in front of the main portico and after ceremonial welcoming with washing the hands and garlanding, we led the celebrants in a procession to the chapel. There we had the Eucharistic banquette with utmost grateful hearts. It was also the Day of Our Lady of Sorrows, so the sermon given by Fr. Jesuraj, was centered on the day. He led us to reflect on the seven sorrows of Our Lady, and how the sorrow strengthens and purifies the person. The beautiful choir was led by the brothers of second year theology; in fact almost the whole day was organized by them.
          After the mass we had solemn wishing and off course accompanied with delicious breakfast appropriate to the day. We had the classes as usual. The actual special moments of the day began only at 7 in the evening. There was a short felicitation program for both the birthday babies in the refectory hall. Fathers and sisters from nearby institutions were also invited to join us. Meanwhile a short comedy skit was presented by Martin and team, which all enjoyed well. Br. Navneet Kujur spoke the words of gratitude towards both the fathers. The day came to an end with screening a Hindi movie on big screen.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

करम २०११ ख्रिस्त प्रेमालय सेमिनरी

कर्मोत्सव २०११ ख्रिस्त प्रेमालय सेमिनरी
प्रतिवर्ष की भांति इस वर्ष भी छोटा नागपुर के भाइयों ने सेमिनरी में कर्मोत्सव का आयोजन किया था करम के एक दिन पहले अर्थात करम की पूर्वसंध्या को विशेष संध्या वंदना का आयोजन किया गया जिसमे करम से जुडी कथा के वाचन से हुआ वंदना के लिए भाई प्रदीप ने पाहन की भूमिका निभाई। आगले दिन की शुरुआत पवित्र मिस्सा बलिदान से हुई सुबह एक दुसरे को पर्व की बधाइयाँ देने के बाद भाई लोग करम प्रीती भोज तैयार करने में जुट गए कुछ समय बाद करम डालियों का नाच गाने के साथ तालाब में विसर्जन किया गया दोपहर को करम प्रीतिभोज का आयोजन किया गय जिसे सभी ने बड़े चाव से खाया अंत में शाम को बड़ी स्क्रीन पर एक फ़िल्म के द्वारा करम पर्वउत्सव का समापन हुआ इस उत्सव के फोटो देखने के लिए कृपय यहाँ क्लिक करें

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Onam Celebrations

Onasamsakal !!!
Like every year, this year also the brothers from Kerala region decided to celebrate the festival of Onam. It all began with the special evening prayer with audio visuals the previous evening. It was Friday. Bros. Sijo Chungath, Liby and others gave a brief introduction to the background of the celebration of Onam, while bro. Kiran controlled the power point presentation. In the introduction it was said, onam is the celebration in the memory of the great king Mahabali who was so kind that he went to the extent of giving his whole kingdom and even his head, to the crooked and jealous Vishnu in the disguise of a dwarf Vaamna. Mahabali was sent to the worlds below but he was given the concession to return once a year to pay a visit to his people and his kingdom. Onam is that day of Mahabali’s return and people celebrate this joyous occasion. On this occasion people decorate their houses and organize various sports and other activities. Brothers also prepared a rangoli known as Pookkalam or Attapookkalam.
Next day began with great devotion and prayers. It was solemn mass celebrated by Fr. Tommy the parish priest of the local parish. It was all accompanied by choir led by brothers from the region of Kerala in Malayalam. There was a beautiful and sermon reminding us of our curiosity and fun. He narrated a short incident which happened with him. After the mass we had wishing the festival to everyone.
After the breakfast the brothers were grouped into small groups and were given a special responsibility to carry out. Some arranged the refectory, some helped in the food preparation while others kept themselves in one or the other work. In the afternoon there was sumptuous meal known as Ona Sadhya with a number of vegetarian dishes. The fathers from the neighboring communities were also invited. The brothers thanked each other for making the celebrations the most memorable one.In the evening there was a Malayalam Movie on the big screen.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Various Activities