Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Classes Begin in the New Academic Block...

After waiting almost for two weeks after the inauguration of the New Academic Block, the classes began in the same. It was inaugurated on 15th of January, 2012 by two bishops, namely Archbishop Leo Cornelio, SVD and Bishop Chacko T, SVD. Today (30th January, 2012) was not an ordinary day. For past two years we had been seeing the construction work of the New Block under process and it finally came to its complete this year in the beginning of January. Before starting the classes in the New Block we were having classes in the auditorium and reference hall of the library. It is great joy for us to have a new Academic block. It is furnished with modern facilities, airy rooms with sufficient natural light. First year theologians have their class room on the ground floor whereas the second and third year students are given a class room on the first floor. The first classes taken in the New Academic Block were by Rev. Fr. Savari Rayan, SVD of the subject “letter to the Hebrews and other epistles” whereas the first class for the first years was taken by the Dean himself (Dr. Jesuraj Rayappan, SVD) on the subject of Church History: ancient and medieval.
            Just before starting the classes we had class wise picnics in the around places of Ashta. Before that the last was filled with sports and cultural activities as it was the week of KHRISPO 2012-2013.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Christian Unity Week

 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Begins
The Christian Unity Week begins in Khrist Premalaya Seminary with a creative evening worship, under the theme "We will all be changed by the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ". The Week is promoted by the World Council of Churches (WCC), a worldwide fellowship of 349 Churches seeking unity, common witness and Christian service. The Catholic Church participates in this ecumenical initiative, despite not being a member of the WCC.

   What is Christian Unity Week? The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is traditionally celebrated from 18 to 15 January in the northern hemisphere, and around the time of Pentecost in the southern hemisphere. It brings together Christian parishes and congregations from different confessional families all over the world, who meet and pray together in special ecumenical celebrations.

   Each year ecumenical partners in a particular region are asked to prepare a basic text on a biblical theme. Then an international group with WCC-sponsored (Protestant and Orthodox) and Roman Catholic participants edits this text to ensure it is linked with the search for Christian unity. The text is jointly published by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and by the WCC's Commission on Faith and Order which also accompanies the entire production process of the text. The final material is sent to member Churches and Roman Catholic dioceses, which are invited to translate the text and contextualise it for their own use.

   This year's theme comes from St. Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians which promises the transformation of human life - with all its apparent dimensions of 'triumph' and 'defeat' - through the victory of Christ's resurrection.

Monday, January 16, 2012

January 15, 2012

 Inauguration of the New Academic Block, Birthday of Fr. Johny D'Souza and Bro. Shijo...
 For the Photos of the event please visit our Facebook page or Click Here
January 15, 2012 will be recorded in golden letters in annuls of Khrist Premalaya Regional Theologate. This day marks three important events namely ‘the inauguration of the new academic block, Feast Day of the Founder of Society of the Divine Word (SVD) and the birthday of Rev. Fr. Johny D’Souza and Bro. Shijo John.
            There were lots of preparations going on for the coming event, but for last few days it had become more intense specially getting the new block finished and furnished. Finally the day dawned with the rising bell at 6:00 a.m. The prayer was conducted by Bros of the SVD with special video presentation about the congregation and their founder and very especially about their presence in India. (for more information about SVD in India please click here). It was a beautiful Morning Prayer service by Bro. Naveen, SVD and his companions. Since it was also the B’day of Fr. Johny D’Souza and Bro. Shijo John, special prayers were offered for the b’day babies. Prayers were also offered for all the benefactors and well wishers who have contributed directly or indirectly in the completion of the New Academic Block. (For last year’s report of Fr. Johny’s birthday celebration, please click here)
            The celebration continued in the refectory with cacke cutting and wishing songs and words of thanks and appreciation by the brothers Ajay Andre (III year), Vijay Ekka (II year) and Manoj Kujur (I year). Fr. Antony Thhattil spoke on behalf of the staff. We also wished bro. Shijo John on the day. This was followed by a sumptuous breakfast.
            The main event was the day was yet to come. The inaugural function of the New Block began at 10:30 in the morning with the welcoming words by Bro. Lagin Babu Chacko. There were over one and a half dozen of priests and two bishops, namely Archbishop Leo Cornelio, SVD and Bishop Chacko T of Indore. There were also some parishioners from the Ashta parish. I his introduction, Fr. Rector said that this building was the fruit of the contribution of many people and we are very much grateful to all people who have contributed in the mission of the Lord. Archbishop Leo said that this block was in the original plan but due to lack of funds it could not be materialized. But now by the grace of God and help of the people, under the guidance of Fr. Rector this dream has come true. The blessing was done by both the bishop with sprinkling of the Holy Water and incensing.
            Soon after the blessing there was Holy Eucharistic celebration in the chapel. In the introduction to the mass Frt. Roshan, SVD introduced about the humble beginnings of the Society of the Divine Word. The celebration of the Holy Mass was led by His Grace Dr. Leo Cornelio, SVD. In his homily, the archbishop said that Christianity is a religion that demands. It is not that we simply become christians but we have to follow Christ and he had a simple life and calls us for self denial. Today the real challenge is to live the life of obedience to the divine call of God. In the mass we also prayed for Bishop Durairaj, SVD, who had a massive heart-attack recently. After the mass we proceeded to the refectory for lunch. There was a short programme for the birthday wishing and also for felicitating some of the important people who contributed in a special way in the erecting of the New Block. The Archbishop honoured, the engineer, contractor, the electrician, the supervisor, painter, carpenter etc. with a small gift and words of thanks.
The lunch was served to all who had come and Fr. Rector once again thanked everyone for their precious contribution in the project.