07, 2012 was set as the new comers’ Day, or freshets’ Day or Welcome day. This
year God has blessed us with 26 new students from various dioceses and congregations.
The Welcome Day began with all of us gathering in front of the portico. We had
a procession to the main Chapel. The Holy Eucharist began immediately, and it
was presided over by Fr. Albinus Kujur, SVD, who is also a new staff member.
Fr. Albinus has come from KPRP as our new administrator. In the sermon Fr.
Charles Pinto, SVD said that they were very happy to join KPRT as new members
to the family. Fr. Charles has come as new spiritual director from Indore.
After the mass we moved to the refectory, where the First years were welcomed
with a felisitation song by Fourth Year brothers and by others. Today also it
was special occasion as Bro. Suresh Malak celebrated his B’day, we all wished
him a happy b’day and God’s blessings.
The welcome program began around
3:00 pm with Fr. Rector presenting one each sapling to the first years which
they planted around the ground. This is a beautiful tradition initiated three
years back. After plantation by the new comers, there was an interesting
football match between first years and rest of the community. After a long tussle
the first years won the match by 1-0. This was a beautiful welcome on behalf of
the community. Evening program began around 5:30. All the first year brothers were
welcomed by washing their hand. Then we led them to the auditorium with singing
and dancing. In the auditorium we had the introduction and talent show by the
first years. There was also a dance by Bro. David Antony, and felicitation song
by third years, a prayer song by second years. Fr. Rector, in his message said
that it is nice to see so many new talents in the brothers. Each year when the
newcomers come, lot of new talents are added to the community. After sumptuous supper,
we had a movie.