The morning of July 09, 2011 was not the usual one. It was a beautiful and a fresh morning, because this the day appointed for the welcoming of the Freshers (the First Year Brothers) twelve in number. We began the day at 6:00 am, followed by leading the First Years in a procession from the Main entrance to the Chapel. The Liturgy was arranged by the brothers of Third Year and the choir was led by the Second Years. The Holy Eucharist was presided over by Rev. Fr. Clarence, our Rector, accompanied by Frs. Jesuraj Rayappan (the Dean), Theodore Toppo (Spiritual Director) and Pius Lakra (Moderator). However Fr. Johnny D’souza could not join us as he had to attend to the pastoral needs of the nearby communities.
During the homily, Fr. Rector reminded us that we were from the lucky ones who are called by Jesus to “come and see” where Jesus is staying. We are called to experience Jesus and share that same experience with others. We are called in this abode of Christ’s love (Khrist Premalaya) to discover the presence of Christ in one another and whomever we meet on our way.
After the grand celebration we had common photo session. Thereafter we headed towards the refectory and had delicious breakfast. Other than this there was nothing special in the morning hours. At 3:00 we had a throbbing football match between the Freshers and the rest of the community. It was very exciting and enthusiastic match for both players and the audience outside the playground. More thrill was added by the pouring of the rain. After great push and pull, the Freshers defeated the house team with 2-1 goals. Since the freshers were less in number, Bros. Pradeep Ekka and Niranjan Xalxo form IV year, also joined them and both the goals from the Freshers’ side were scored by Bro. Niranjan. After the match we had tea and snacks.
About 5:30 pm we began with the cultural evening headed by the brothers of Second year though all brothers added their own contribution to the program. Bros. Ravindra Dhurvey of Jabalpur Diocese and Vipin Tigga of Bhopal archdiocese took the mikes to lead the program. The program consisted of songs and dances and small skits. The most attractive item was from the brothers of the IV year on the song “Dhinka Chika dhinka chicka” in their special dhoti-baniyan and dark goggles on their faces. There was also a short ‘magic-cum-entertainment’ show by Bro. Josy Valliaveetil of Sagar Diocese representing all the Third Year brothers. The snacks were served during the program. Thereafter we had sumptuous meal in the refectory. The day came to an end with a movie.