This year we began our Annual Retreat on 20 of June and ended on 24th in the Afternoon. Rev. Fr. Sony of the Congregation the Passion (CP) from Bhopal was the guide.
The previous day we had the introductory talk at 9 p.m.
What was special this year was that we were given more time our personal reflection. We had personal morning prayer and nature meditation. Everyday in the after noon we had the Mercy chaplet followed by a religious movie. First day i.e. on 20th of June we had a talk about the kind of God we believe in and the Movie was about the life of Blessed John Paul II. On the consecutive days we had Movies of Prophet Jeremiah, Movie on the Fatima Apparitions and on the last day a movie on the life of Blessed Mother Teresa of Kolkata. All the movies, talks and prayers were very much inspiring and reflective. All together one could say that this was a 'Different Retreat.'
In the evening of 24th we had the ceremony of conferring the Minor Orders or better known ministries of Lector and Acolytes by His excellency Dr. A.A.A Durairaj, the Bishop of Khandwa.