Monday, January 24, 2011

Pongal Celebration (Jan 23, 2011)
The brothers from the regions of Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka celebrated the harvest feast of Pongal on January 23, though actually it is already over. The preparations already began the previous day. Actual day began with prayer and blessing of the farmhouse and the cattle. This took place in the courtyard of the farm house (dairy farm). Father Jesuraj was the chief celebrant for the day’s liturgy. There was boiling of rise (Pongal) and blessing and aarti. The introduction to the feast and the background with its significance for the Christians was explained by Bro. Stephen. We then proceeded to the main chapel in a procession. During the mass, father emphasized the love for the nature. The feast of Pongal reminds us our responsibility towards taking care of the nature. Today farmers are committing suicide and it is alarming and this is happening due to the responsibility of each one towards the nature. This feast reminds of the newness that begins with the new Tamil month known as Thaaee, after a month of hard work and toil. We had sumptuous breakfast after mass (off course with many south Indian dishes like idly, saambhar, chuttany etc.). In the afternoon the celebration was marked with the fellowship mean known as Pongal Viranthu, where we were served by the celebrating brothers including the father (Jesuraj). The fathers and sisters of the neighboring communities were also invited. The celebration came to an end with a movie on the projector.

Friday, January 21, 2011

January 19, 2011

Address of Rev. Dr. M.D. Thomas (Jan 19, 2011)
There was an address of Rev. Fr. (Dr.) M.D. Thomas, the secretary to the National Commission for Religious Harmony. The purpose of this address was to orient the ‘future priests’ to the inter-religious harmony. There was audience from the close by communities. In his address, he said that there are many changes in the area of inter-religious dialogue and harmony of faiths. A priest is not only the parish priest of Christians of his territory but of each and every individual of the territory and it is our duty to establish a cordial relationship with everybody not because of their faith but we all are human beings and need to relate to each other in a healthy way. He surprised us by giving some examples that there are some priests who are not aware of their next neighbors in their locality. He also gave some practical examples so as to how we can enter into a dialogue with people of other faiths.
-KPT News Desk

Jnuary 16, 2011

Parish Day Celebration (Jan 16, 2011)
January 16 was a very important day in the annuals of not only Bhopal archdiocese but also St. Theresa’s Church, Ashta or popularly known as Ashta Cathedral. We had Holy mass presided by the parish priest himself in which the theme was to remain together in Christ. The Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Francis Scaria, emphasized on the parish unity. After the Eucharist there were different games conducted by the second year brothers under the leadership of Bros. Roshan and Amritlal. There were games for each age group. Bro. B. Johnson held the microphone during the whole event. At the end Fr. Scaria thanked everyone for making it a successful event. Some people even suggested having such events at least once in two months as it gives good opportunity to come closer to each other. The whole program ended around 4:30pm, though scheduled to end by 4:00. There was lunch and tea offered during the event. This day was also very important for St. Joseph’s Co-ed school as it celebrated its golden jubilee. All the fathers were invited there so many of the fathers had to rush to Bhopal soon after the lunch. We enjoyed the day.
- KPT News Desk

January 15, 2011

Birthday Celebration of Fr. Johny D’souza, SVD (Jan. 15, 2011)
The community celebrated the birth day of Rev Fr. Johny D’souza, SVD on 15th of January, which was also a feast day of the congregation. The Day began with Holy Eucharist preceded by a short morning prayer led by Br. Roshan Manoj Ekka of SVD. He gave a short introduction of Fr. Johny and also a background of how the congregation of Divine Word began. During the introduction to the Mass Bro. Naveen Pinto, again introduced us to the life journey of Fr. Johny, and during Homily Fr. Johny expressed his gratitude for the love that is shown by the community to him. We had grand breakfast. During the day there was a cricket match between the two groups formed among the brothers, viz. St. Arnold’s Club and D’souza Club. St. Arnold’s club was headed by Fr. Pius Lakra, SVD though under the captainship of Br. Bisnath Ekka and the other group was of Fr. Johny himself under the captainship of Bro. Ajil. However with an interesting encounter the Arnold’s Club was victorius.
In the evening there was a get together of the neighboring communities and we had grand agape after a short felicitation program. There was interesting commentary given by Bro. Vipin Tigga during the program. Fr. Theodore acknowledged the services rendered by Fr. Johny to community as the administrator of the house. Fr. Johny also thanked everyone. After the supper we had a movie.
-KPT News Desk

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